
Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting
March 15, 2012

Members in Attendance: Carole, Kathy, Howie, Ken, Suzie, Jackie, Jim, Artie, Frank, Seymour and Sandy.
Members not in Attendance: Will and Ellie.

Meeting opened with Q & A with Howie and Ken. Carole opened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. The Secretary read the minutes from the last meeting. Jackie and Sandy made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Treasurer read her report. Carole told the membership that E-Solving.com is a scam. Kathy read her report. There was no old business or no new business. Ken did a very informative presentation on Tablets. Blue Ticket Winners were John Hess, Harry Eagelberg and Beatrice Woods. Printer was won by Muriel Jones. Pink Ticket Winners were Marion Woosley and Aldo Picchiello each receiving $18.00 each. Meeting was adjourned
at 2:45 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Suzie Byrnes

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting April 18, 2013
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance: Kathy, Ellie, Sarah Rhoda
Howie, Frank, Sandy, and John
Absent: Ken, Artie, Bill, Jim, Seymour
Carole Szepesi, Past President

Howie held Q & A from 1 to 1:30pm.  He also gave a short preview of our new blogsite.

Kathy opened the meeting at 1:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and a minute of silence for Boston.

Kathy gave the President’s report reminding us that this is the last “second” Thursday meeting until November.  Our next luncheon will held on March 13, 2014.  She sadly reported that Jim Sullivan, Board Member had resigned.

Sarah gave the Secretary’s report which was accepted as read.

Rhoda gave the Treasurer’s report and introduced our two new members.  She also requested that anyone who had not picked up their badges to please see her after the meeting.

Committee reports are as follows:
            Education:  Kathy reviewed the classes and lectures schedule.  We now have two beginner classes and 1 advanced class.  Howie will lecture on digital photography and/or tablets on Monday’s from 9:30am to 11am.  He will then lecture on Apple computers from 11 to 11:30am.

Kathy announced that Edie Reiter and Pat Luberto have graciously agreed to help with class registration.  She will continue to accept registration for Advanced Classes by e-mail.  She reminded everyone to check the bulletin board outside the classroom for updates on classes.  She also reminded everyone to wear their ID to all club functions.

Old Business was announced by Kathy.  She gave a very big “thank you” to Sue Goldfine for her help with Luncheon 2013.  She hopes 2014 will run as smoothly.

There was no New Business.

Howie showed us two u-tube tutorials on Windows 8 (JAG with Windows 8) as our presentation.

Blue ticket winners are:
            Howie Silver, can dust destroyer; Edith Reiter, card reader/writer; and Herb Terry, usb light.

50/25/25 winners are:
            Ray Stoecker and Pat Luberto, $13 each.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:29pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Thomas

  • Century Village Computer Club
    General Meeting April 18, 2013
    Meeting Room 103

    Board Attendance: Kathy, Ellie, Sarah Rhoda
    Howie, Frank, Sandy, and John
    Absent: Ken, Artie, Bill, Jim, Seymour
    Carole Szepesi, Past President

    Howie held Q & A from 1 to 1:30pm.  He also gave a short preview of our new blogsite.

    Kathy opened the meeting at 1:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and a minute of silence for Boston.

    Kathy gave the President’s report reminding us that this is the last “second” Thursday meeting until November.  Our next luncheon will held on March 13, 2014.  She sadly reported that Jim Sullivan had resigned.

    Sarah gave the Secretary’s report which was accepted as read.

    Rhoda gave the Treasurer’s report and introduced our two new members.  She also requested that anyone who had not picked up their badges to please see her after the meeting.

    Committee reports are as follows:
                Education:  Kathy reviewed the classes and lectures schedule.  We now have two beginner classes and 1 advanced class.  Howie will lecture on digital photography and/or tablets on Monday’s from 9:30am to 11am.  He will then lecture on Apple computers from 11 to 11:30am.

    Kathy announced that Edie Reiter and Pat Luberto have graciously agreed to help with class registration.  She will continue to accept registration for Advanced Classes by e-mail.  She reminded everyone to check the bulletin board outside the classroom for updates on classes.  She also reminded everyone to wear their ID to all club functions.

    Old Business was announced by Kathy.  She gave a very big “thank you” to Sue Goldfine for her help with Luncheon 2013.  She hopes 2014 will run as smoothly.

    There was no New Business.

    Howie showed us two u-tube tutorials on Windows 8 (JAG with Windows 8) as our presentation.

    Blue ticket winners are:
                Howie Silver, can dust destroyer; Edith Reiter, card reader/writer; and Herb Terry, usb light.

    50/25/25 winners are:
                Ray Stoecker and Pat Luberto, $13 each.

    Meeting was adjourned at 2:29pm.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Sarah Thomas

  • Century Village Computer Club
    General Meeting April 18, 2013
    Meeting Room 103

  • Board Attendance: Kathy, Ellie, Sarah Rhoda

Howie held Q & A from 1 to 1:30pm.  He also gave a short preview of our new blogsite.

Kathy opened the meeting at 1:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance and a minute of silence for Boston.

Kathy gave the President’s report reminding us that this is the last “second” Thursday meeting until November.  Our next luncheon will held on March 13, 2014.  She sadly reported that Jim Sullivan, Board had resigned.

Sarah gave the Secretary’s report which was accepted as read.

Rhoda gave the Treasurer’s report and introduced our two new members.  She also requested that anyone who had not picked up their badges to please see her after the meeting.

Committee reports are as follows:
            Education:  Kathy reviewed the classes and lectures schedule.  We now have two beginner classes and 1 advanced class.  Howie will lecture on digital photography and/or tablets on Monday’s from 9:30am to 11am.  He will then lecture on Apple computers from 11 to 11:30am.

Kathy announced that Edie Reiter and Pat Luberto have graciously agreed to help with class registration.  She will continue to accept registration for Advanced Classes by e-mail.  She reminded everyone to check the bulletin board outside the classroom for updates on classes.  She also reminded everyone to wear their ID to all club functions.

Old Business was announced by Kathy.  She gave a very big “thank you” to Sue Goldfine for her help with Luncheon 2013.  She hopes 2014 will run as smoothly.

There was no New Business.

Howie showed us two u-tube tutorials on Windows 8 (JAG with Windows 8) as our presentation.

Blue ticket winners are:
            Howie Silver, can dust destroyer; Edith Reiter, card reader/writer; and Herb Terry, usb light.

50/25/25 winners are:
            Ray Stoecker and Pat Luberto, $13 each.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:29pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Thomas


Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting April 4, 2013
Meeting Room 103

Board Attendance: Kathy, Ellie, Ken Sarah, Rhoda
Howie, Frank, Sandy, Artie, Bill, Jim, and John
Absent:  Seymour and Carole Szepesi, Past President
Q & A was conducted from 1 to 1:30pm by Howie, Ken, and Anitra who gave us good information on wi-fi for the Village.
Kathy opened the meeting at 1:30pm asking all cell phones be silenced.  Pledge to the Flag was done and Frank helped introduce new members.
Kathy gave the President’s Report in which she stated John Hess had been approved unanimously to the Board.  She was also happy to report that John will conduct another Basic Beginner class.  Kathy sadly reported the resignation of Carole Szepesi as our webmaster and happily reported that Ken Graff has agreed to be our new webmaster.  Changes have been implemented and are looking great.  Thank you to Ken.  A website committee will be formed to do the regular updates.  Ken will be in charge of all photos on this new website.  She made the announcement that Richard Rost of 599cd.com is looking to move into our area.  Once he does this he will present a program live at one of our computer meetings.  Kathy hoped that everyone had had a good holiday.
Sarah read the minutes from the last meeting; which were accepted as read.
Rhoda gave the Treasurers report and asked that anyone that had not received their ID badges to please see her after the meeting.

Committee Reports:
             Education:  Kathy gave an overview of classes along with the announcement that John Hess
will begin his class in May.  Please check frequently on the new website for up-to date information regarding classes, lectures and other items of interest to our club members.  We need an intermediate teacher.  The Before Basic Beginner class was cancelled due to lack of attendance.  Please remember to wear your club id to all club functions.
Old Business was comments regarding our luncheon on March 21.  Everyone was very pleased with our luncheon.  Many thanks to all the people that helped achieve this event.
There was no New Business.
As a community service for the Computer Club Ken Graff gave a presentation on the new gate pass and ticket purchasing system (Vendini) from WRPF. (Everyone in the Village was invited to this.)  He will repeat this in the fall when our snowbirds return.
Blue ticket winners: Jim Sullivan, monitor wipes; Sidney Waldman, ream of paper; Joan Reilly, stereo headphones. 

50/25/25 winners: were Anthony Stefanac and Dolores Battaglia $16 each.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Thomas
Previous Minutes

Century Village Computer Club
General Meeting April 4, 2013
Meeting Room 103
Board Attendance: Kathy, Ellie, Ken Sarah, Rhoda
Howie, Frank, Sandy, Artie, Bill, Jim, and John
Absent:  Seymour and Carole Szepesi, Past President
Q & A was conducted from 1 to 1:30pm by Howie, Ken, and Anitra who gave us good information on wi-fi for the Village.
Kathy opened the meeting at 1:30pm asking all cell phones be silenced.  Pledge to the Flag was done and Frank helped introduce new members.
Kathy gave the President’s Report in which she stated John Hess had been approved unanimously to the Board.  She was also happy to report that John will conduct another Basic Beginner class.  Kathy sadly reported the resignation of Carole Szepesi as our webmaster and happily reported that Ken Graff has agreed to be our new webmaster.  Changes have been implemented and are looking great.  Thank you to Ken.  A website committee will be formed to do the regular updates.  Ken will be in charge of all photos on this new website.  She made the announcement that Richard Rost of 599cd.com is looking to move into our area.  Once he does this he will present a program live at one of our computer meetings.  Kathy hoped that everyone had had a good holiday.
Sarah read the minutes from the last meeting; which were accepted as read.
Rhoda gave the Treasurers report and asked that anyone that had not received their ID badges to please see her after the meeting.
Committee Reports:
            Education:  Kathy gave an overview of classes along with the announcement that John Hess will begin his class in May.  Please check frequently on the new website for up-to date information regarding classes, lectures and other items of interest to our club members.  We need an intermediate teacher.  The Before Basic Beginner class was cancelled due to lack of attendance.  Please remember to wear your club id to all club functions.
Old Business was comments regarding our luncheon on March 21.  Everyone was very pleased with our luncheon.  Many thanks to all the people that helped achieve this event.
There was no New Business.
As a community service for the Computer Club Ken Graff gave a presentation on the new gate pass and ticket purchasing system (Vendini) from WRPF. (Everyone in the Village was invited to this.)  He will repeat this in the fall when our snowbirds return.
Blue ticket winners: Jim Sullivan, monitor wipes; Sidney Waldman, ream of paper; Joan Reilly, stereo headphones. 

50/25/25 winners: were Anthony Stefanac and Dolores Battaglia $16 each.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Thomas